Health is a condition where illness and disease are absent. Different concepts have been used over the years for different purposes. These include physiological health, psychosocial health and somatic health. While somatic refers to the body’s faculties, physiological health refers to the body’s organs and tissues. The latter is often considered the main indicator of health, as it covers everything from the digestive system to the respiratory system and even the nervous system.
When talking about health problems, the three main categories include physical illness. In physical illness, there are several types that one can experience including fever, sore throat, headache, joint pain, and arthritis. A lot of people suffer from colds and headaches; some get sick from viral infection while some contract cancer. But what makes these illnesses dangerous is the fact that it can affect the body’s organs and tissues; thus it is important to identify the main article of ill health and know how to treat it.
Mental wellness pertains to your disposition, your attitude towards life, and your coping skills. It is also defined by the degree of your confidence and competence to complete physical activities. Most psychologists would define wellbeing as having a positive outlook in life and having a strong sense of self worth. It is a state where you have control over all negative feelings, and you can manage them effectively. In addition, the state of mind is used to assess one’s psychological health, including the ability to solve problems, express ideas properly, concentrate and make decisions correctly.
Health education aims to build the general knowledge on being healthy, on nutrition, on how to maintain good health, and on how to avoid or minimize risk factors that affect health. Health education is considered an effective preventive measure against the occurrence and severity of many illnesses. There are numerous factors that can contribute to poor wellness, such as unhealthy lifestyle, stress, lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption, eating junk food, and other forms of food addiction. The development of community awareness about wellness contributes significantly in the prevention of illnesses and the treatment of existing ones.
A healthy physical environment includes clean and well-maintained streets, parks, playgrounds, recreational areas, and other places where people can get physical exercise. A healthy environment provides a sense of belonging and relaxation. There are various strategies to create a healthy environment, such as maintaining a safe distance from noisy machines, changing one’s clothing according to the season, not wearing shoes for too long, using natural fabrics instead of synthetic, and avoiding sitting in front of TV or computer screens. All these tips to help reduce the risk of developing and improving various types of health problems and illnesses. A healthy physical environment also reduces the risk factors associated with mental health problems.
Although it may sound like common sense, it is surprising how few people engage in activities that build their physical abilities and positively influence their mental health. Even though most of us have some idea about the need for fitness, very few of us take steps towards achieving this goal. Health program promoters recognize this deficiency in the public health sector and offer various personal resources. This includes materials on nutrition, exercise, and psychology. Programs include nutritionist-controlled menus; healthy weight loss plans; weight training videos; healthy recipes; and more